it’s been four years since our last trip to Rhinebeck! we finally made it there after our 2 hour drive from nyc became a 4 hour drive (we hit some bad traffic — total standstill! and then the kid got car sick . . . ) we finally made it though and what a glorious event it was!
blue skies! filled with people, delicious, food, fiber a plenty . . . and of course… this pretty amazing tree!
Rhinebeck is absolutely a kid friendly place! the Kid had a total blast walking around the hay maze, playing with all the gadgets they had set up in the kids area, seeing his first kangaroo and feeding a rather lopey looking goat!
bringing the Kid to Rhinebeck also meant spending virtually no time in the super crowded yarn and fiber filled aisles . . . which was all right because we got to spend quite a lot of time checking out the lovely animals.
a rather rare soay sheep from cairn o’mohr farm in ashford connecticut! so cute and docile!
this supremely loveable herdwick sheep from helder-herdwyck farm. i wanted to climb into the pen and squeeeeeeeeze him!
this curly coated fellow . . . a teeswater being exhibited by the american teeswater sheep association. their curly locks spin up into a lustrous and strong yarn.
some adorable little gotlands in a light and dark grey, whose coats spin up into an equally lovely yarn. these fellows hail from Riverbend in NJ.
and rarest of all! a vicuna from Victory Farm in Missouri.
before we said our goodbyes to rhinebeck . . . we caught a glimpse of this quirky little fella bidding us adieu!