pearce did a very bad thing a few weeks ago. yup . . . he managed to scratch a very large hole on both sides of his dog bed cover. his new bed took about 10 days to arrive . . . and, well in between the wait, we got so sick and tired of hearing him pace back and forth in the middle of the night (for want of proper bedding, of course), that we decided to make him a new dog bed cover.
he’s been eyeing alexia abegg’s all the states cotton-linen print for some time now . . . so it seemed only appropriate to fashion his new dog bed out of this peripatetic print! we converted this charming polka dot bias tape into piping for a bit of whimsy. (ps. you’re not seeing things . . . the blue background on this print isn’t uniform…instead it is the slightest bit splotchy which gives it great deals of character and nuance).
he hasn’t budged since he got on . . . hey pearce! what do you think of the hidden zipper?
tutorial coming soon!