we got a little reminder in our inbox earlier this month from Carbonfund.org that it’s earth day! for the past 5 years, we’ve been partners with this wonderful organisation, and through them, we’ve been able to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 36 tons each year!
there’s a really nifty calculator on epa.gov’s website (find it here) that tells you what 36 tons of emissions means in real terms. here are some of our favorite equivalents:
- it’s the amount of carbon sequestered by 29.5 acres of trees in 1 year, or
- equivalent to planting 923 seedlings and letting them grow for 10 years, or
- the annual amount of carbon emitting by driving 85,714 miles in a passenger car, or
- the energy used by approximately 3.3 homes in a single year.
so, if you add it all up, over the past 5 years, through our partnership with Carbonfund.org, 4,615 little tree seedlings have been planted as a result. And in celebration of our 5th anniversary, Carbonfund planted an additional 50 trees on our behalf.
just a little something we do to make sure we tread gently on this good earth. happy earth day!